Mercury in retrograde intersects with may 11, may 11 being a birthday may 11 being my birthday, not any day but the day I was born. the day may 11 that mercury intersects with jupiter and the day ending the mercury in rtrograde that is on my birthday.
This is not to say much but of the period in question is that one ending the one of Aries so sto speak starting. that is not a abelief system that is just what is happeningso it is only a certain period ending a certain seven year period ending, the end of a certain seven year period, a seven year period in people's lives in everyon's life, very conveently simple sake of simple measurement, a seimple say of convenietnly ending on my birthdday, so that is what iit is in the endinf of seven years. From beeginning seven years ago when I began begin 16, an began being me my independent person to a new being, as before being here in a car, and parents giveng keys, so Ibegin now getting keys and I'm driving no parents at the sid alson.
I am simply stating the state of things in ending a period of seven years, so what is astroloogy but a matter of things happening reatedly. so we heed no attention to it without big measuring sticks, we measure with sticks from here to here but the big things moving and we try to measure, but only just measure, and give no laws from the measuring and so there is no strict stick in the strict sense, a standard stick for seeing, a blind way of seeing forward. because the plaents are in earnest, they move like they do because they intend that movemnt. they do what they mean to say by doing it, and they don't just say it but do it by their revolving.
and if it is to be so with their revolving they do it without a second thought or sayin that that is what they are intending. they do not intend to be saying things they revolve around their movment and their intention with the the movement. they are going about their center and they are repeating their line up in a way seen from 7 years, and are not in the same sense as they wree seven years ago. so their intention is now in a new seven year cycel, they do not do what is done for the past seven years.
they are doing the thing a revolving around a center and they are going around this center with the wholeness of their going around. they are their own centers by defining a place and a centter to go around.
i am saying that there is a seven year merucrial stance that is going around a center, and the body of the writer is thinking from the center of his experience. he has his own center that he is revolving around and going form and and looking at the seven years that are ending that are ending on day that are ending on a day that is his birthday, and so the birthday is coming and he is at the center of the 23 year cycle because the thing comes back every year. it is simple mathematics that we are in the same place, but not the same place as we come around every year, and we end up in the place the we didn't begin from. but we are marking and we are making a center from this marking so we must look towards other markings and just make the things for ourselves, and we must make them to be as they are actually not as we meant them to be, because they are just simple revolutions, and they are coming back again with where they began. they are coming back with where they began, and they are not again in the place where they began because they are coming back, and they are not in the place they are where they began. they began in that place and are coming back to it, so they are not coming back to where they began, they are coming back to where they were. that was where they began so they must be where they are now, not simply where they thought they to be where they were.
messing around, is funny enough, but i just want to put things as they are, and this is how they are, as they are ending on a seven year cycle. the cycle isn't a repeating but it is a new cycle, so it is the end of a cycle that makes for the beginning of a new cycle. we are going circular with noticing the things that repeat themselves, but these things are not things athat are repeating themselves, they are things that are here right now, and are starting the new things and are not repeating going back to where they began, not going back to where they began but coming to a new and a different position that makes itself noticed because it is the end of one thing, leading to another thing. the repeating has happened 23 times for him and so he has come back to be at this place 23 other times and for a certain time, certain things were repeating happening, going through one thing repeatedlty in a certain way. but now as that is ending he is coming to notice, he is seeing that at the end of the 23 cycles he is ending with the seven year cycle of things going around a certain center in a certain way.
and so im looking at the internet and i'm coming up with the cycles and seeing the cycles and noting the cycles and stein talks about the cycles assigned for us in the cycles we have read assigned for us, in our reading assigned for us and she talks about things only going about 100 years or so, and so we have a new perspective on what is going on. it drives certain people to craziness but there must be an ability to break out of just the looking, because when we are noticing the cycles, we are doing just that, we are noticing the cycles and they are happening and we are trying to measure them a little bit more, but they are just happening just fine without our measuring, and what will stop them from doing that cycling, because there won't be any stopping them, we will only noticie the cycling and look at our own cycling and how these are two cycles and they are both going at the same revolving time, we will notice how they are both in the same revolving cycling, or maybe just outward and back inwards and they are okay. maybe when we are going back at the end of a big cycle we are just repeating how our recycling goes in reverse. and they are a thing that goes in forwards and backwards once in a while but they are doing the simple small cyclings over and over again while we just get ready to go into the recycling backwards.
gertrude stein is talking about a specific thing that is happening to everyone, it is a specific thing that is not happening to everyone. she is talking about a thing that is happening to everyone, but the noticing is taking place without anyone and the way she is corrective about the thing that is happening to everyone is that it is not specifically happening to everyone. she is not mentioning that it is happening to everyone, she is mentioning that it is a specific thing that is happening every 100 years, or so, and that it isn't specific and that it is happening to anyone's specifically. she is talking about the specific grandmother that it is happening to, and that her grandmother is is happening in 1932, and she is meditating on 1932, and she is talking about the grandmother just a year later, in 1933, when she is talking about about it coming to be a thing that happens every 100 years. and she is talking about a thing that happens to be every 100 years, and that a grandmother is to have a grandson and the thing is that when they are happening again at 100 years, it is because there is a grandmother to a grandson. there is not a grandfather a grandson, there is a grandmother to a grandson, and there is not a grandson to stein. she is not in having a grandson, there is no 100 year difference to her having a grandson, she is not having a grandson. there is a grandson that is without having a grandson, at 100 years or so, and they are without having a grandson. there is a grandson that is without having a grandfather, and there is a grandson that is having a grandmother. there is a grandson that is without having a grandmother, and there is Stein without having a grandson or a granddaughter and a grandson. there is a grandfather that is not a grandfather because he is having a grandson that does not have a grandfather. there is a grandson that is having a grandmother, and there is Stein that is not having a grandson that is without having a grandmother. Stein is mentioning that there is a 100 years that are coming back into place of being 100 years later, and that in being 100 years later that there is a grandson to a grandmother, and stein does not have the grandson to have a grandmother.
Please note that this is a thing that could be happening to anyone, and it is a thing that is happening to anyone, and they are seeing it when they are seeing it, it is not because they are measuring it in a strict sense, but they are observing it and they are observing it happening, which is to say that they are measuring it happening. they are not the things that are happening to them, they are the things that are happening that they are observing, and they are things that could be happening to anybody, but they are not happening to anybody. they are happening. they are just happening. they are things that are just happening and there is anybody that is observing them, and they are things that are thought to be happening to them. they are the things that are just happening and that they are observing them means they are happening. they are things that are happening to them, but they are observing them not happen to them. the things happening are okay that they are not happening to anybody, but that they are happening that the things observing are okay that the things happening are not things happening to them.
Mercury retrogrades have a cycle** in which the retrogrades have an exactness of covering the same signs, the same degrees and approximately on the same calendar days. This exactness is seldom thought about Mercury retrograde, with the seemingly chaotic and confusing situations we experience during the retrogrades. The exact Mercury retrogrades we will experience in 2011 were the exact same signs, same degrees and approximately the same calendar days of 1932. This cycle** is seldom talked about in the astrology world, but is the cause of major course corrections for humanity. We can look back at history of 1932 to see the impact of Mercury retrogrades covering the same time frames, the same signs and the same degrees. We are coming to an important time as was experienced in 1932. For instance, the President of the U.S. in 1932 was Herbert Hoover, who had a birthday of August 10th, and the U.S. President in 2011 is Barack Obama, born August 4th, both having Sun in Leo. Few people are old enough to recount the transition of that time, but it becomes history repeating itself to give us a chance to grow as humanity, as a society and to make a difference. The Planet of Mars follows this same cycle and the sequence of Mars combining with Mercury's influence of ideas and attitudes and Mars brings these ideas and attitudes into action. The phrase "thoughts become things" certainly brings home the combined energy of these two planetary connections.
momentous occasion
14 years ago
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