Saturday, October 16, 2010


You wake in the state. the state gives you a start. your start to see a clearness. your shower clears out space. your space is in your state. the state is disarray. and disarray is okay.
And useless is the pondering.
And I reverted back to the possible breakdown again last night, but managed to turn it into some cinematic beauty. The dancers on the screen seemed to present themselves as some emulation of my perceived life. A projection of my life was being lived out right there in front of me on screen. Now he throes his pen, melodrama. They chase and falter, and caress without restraint. What they're doing could've, could be, could be me. And I don't know how but it was how my mind raced in those few short seconds.
What this pertains to is more like a self-examination, a self-checkup tumorous tumultuous mind cancer. but the fats are straight. I am here with a conscious of my own to choose what I wish, and make myself out of those choices. Among the choices I can make are the numerous ways in which I can perceive a situation. And just as much, I can choose the various and all equally possible ways I can think and feel about a situation. Evolved human forms, is that possible? Really I think I just want to create the circumstances that would make that scenario a possibility.
It isn't about my knowledge agains yours, but how we choose to give and receive that knowledge and perspective. Really, the knowledge, wisdom, is just fluff. But what we choose to do with those inputs once they're received is imperative. We are otherwise lost without an ability to process. Valid yet contracting ideas can exist in tandem, or simultaneously. There cannot be hostility on the receiving or giving end.
But the terms will have to be explained in a manner that the listener may follow along. Language must be shared between the two opposing ideas. This also means that the ideas may openly borrow the vernacular of the other.
This, I believe, is what leads to cohesion. Not agreement in content and steadfast allegiance to dogmas we don't understand, but rather a constant flow between the two opposites. A discharging lightning bolt attempts to equalize polar opposites, without actually changing either of them. The flow of energy is what quells the storm.