Thursday, February 5, 2009


As vanquished as your actions may have become and as depleted your reserves may have become, and as abused as your ego may have become, and as fruitless as your words spoken may have become and early your mornings have become, however many, howeber many sleep, however dark, dungeoned, dirtied and confused, the first light beams become, resurrecting upon entering, and pale as that light may be through the hole in the wall, and as claustrophobic the ride downtown may have become, and relentless the stranger and kin become alike in their stares have become to you, because across the aisle, the strangeness of the situation will rub off to all of those around you, they won't take it and neither should you, because relentlessness has it's place in every situation, so do proceed to give them a good stare-down, all the while increasing your visual vocabulary to the persons, places, and pedagouges that give their life to you. If you go to where you've started, there is a moment of self-doubt, yes that is okay, who has been fully confident of anything in their life, possibly I speak for myself, in all likelihood I do, and at times I've exhibited over-confidence in what I am doing, such as this, such as right now, with you , with me, with the clearing caverns behind my eyes, and discovering that there is more there than I had ever known, and exponentially it can begin to get out of hand, without having the experience of confidence that those encountering this for the first time will nothave the determination or interest to get this far because determintaion or interest to get this far, because frankly, one-liners were typically more closely aligned with my own thought process. I tried them out for a week, became disinterested and simply dropped the ball, laniding it on my toe, leaden with fear and puss a week later, I decided to pull the nail back and perform surgery myself. Fourteen years, scratch that, seven years later, I'm still working on perfrecting the technique that has yet to be discovered, especially on hair removal, gangrene disenfectant, and self-help sessions that, to me,seem to dig the hole a little bet dee[per. But if it warn't for the small Q&A's with me, where would my audience be, but except inside of myself. Twenty people can fit length-wise across my ribcage, all having their own fair share on what the priorities for the day should be. Never giving straight answers, always with their tongue in another's cheek, and speaking only in metaphor, the counciel has bebated for a good two weeks and what the corporate goal/outline should be, and buy debating tyhis should the longterm outcomes of our busniss plan? As a mirror for those living outside the closed circle, I must give self-direction a chance of playing the cards right. Don't give up on the love of others because poetically those words roll off the pancreas just fine, howeer damaged by the ills of the old it may have become, and whether or not it is hereditary, your problems may have just multiplied. Does it tie in to what I was saying before, about the vestigial nature of what these actions have become? Honestly, we could care less about what she thinks, but it's still not out of your mind, and because of that, heated showers have become somewhat of a luxury.